Monday, January 19, 2009

late nights wrapped in poignant & tuggy painting



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at first, i stayed up to clean the kitchen....
then i stayed up to paint.
now i have a piece called poignant and tuggy. 
i've tried to document the process (see above)... this piece happened so fast. its amazing what inspiration can do. its so good because i was invited to do a show in march... i'm thrilled to have a new project.
but, what i want to share right now is how lovely it is to have music for company. thank you to radio head tonight... and the rush of feeling i get when i hear your in rainbows magic. weird fishes makes my stomach want to flip & gives me the chills.

*made up words like tuggy or biggish or peanutbuttersandwichish
*bounce houses
*eka pada rajakapotasana, aka mermaid pose
*frosting, especially butter cream doctored up with pomegranate molasses

so that's it for tonight- i'll go put my head to bed. 

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